
We are pleased to welcome you to the 2011 ENTER Jamboree that will take place at Tilburg University on February 4th and 5th. The Jamboree will start at 09:00 on Friday, February 4th. On Friday evening we have organized a dinner for all the conference participants. The Jamboree closes at 18.30 on Saturday, February 5th, after which the ENTER coordinators will have their final meeting and faculty dinner.

As in previous years, we will organize parallel sessions for student presentations, and plenary sessions for faculty presentations (one for each partner institution). The format of the faculty presentations is free. Presentations can also be aimed at just presenting the doctoral program and a summary of research areas of each node.

We expect to welcome two (or three) faculty members and eight students per partner institution. Specifically, four students present a research paper and the other four students act as discussants. Student sessions will last 40 minutes each (25 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for the discussion, and 5 minutes for questions and answers). Faculty presentations are scheduled for 45 minutes. Please keep in mind that each partner institution covers its own participation costs (travel and accommodation expenses). We cover costs for the conference dinner, lunch and snacks, coffee during breaks and the faculty dinner.

Reyer Gerlagh
ENTER coordinator at Tilburg University

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